Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Newest Logos...






Okay, I have been getting more logos, and we had pretty conclusive results that a few did not get any votes. So here is another list with a new poll. Please vote again so we can narrow them all down.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Meeting...

Pete, Kevin, Mark and Corey met with the Front Office last night to discuss becoming official. They were pretty excited about it, but seeing as we are in the north end, and plan on staying there, there are a few logistical dilemmas that they need to run by Bill Manning before they can give us their full backing.

A few of the things discussed at the meeting:

They would like us to come up with a description of who we are and what we do.
They would like us to make a nice webpage that they can direct people to who might be interested in join us.
They dont know about any discounts on tickets yet. That is something they need to run past Bill.
They were really excited about the home brew contest, and will try to get us celebrity judges.
They will be talking with the merch team about selling Section 26 gear in the team store in a consignment fashion
We are working to get people discounts on Section 26 jerseys.
There is going to be a recruitment contest between the supporters groups with the winner getting a big custom made drum.
We will be able to get a few parking passes.
We will be held to a higher standard.

If you have any friends that are sitting on the fence about getting season tickets, convince them to sign up with us, and make sure they tell the ticket rep that they want to sit in Section 26 and be part of our group! In the future we might be responsible for selling our own seats, but for now the more people that request us the better.

The logo design contest will end around the end of the month, then we will vote for our official badge!

Also I would like to bring the Hymn book back to life, so if anyone
has ideas for that let me know!

Get working on your homebrews! Root Beer is allowed for you non imbibers!


Section 26


Rally together, gather around!
The scent of a battle is near!
The whistle sounds, a new game begins,
Fear nothing now, the gangs all here!!