Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First EVER RSL Chili Playoff!!!

1st Annual RSL Playoff Chili Cookoff!

Your Chili must be at the competition no later than 2:30.

Tasting will go from 2:30 to 3.

Voting will close at 3:15 and the votes will then be tabulated.

A prize for First Place and Runner up will be awarded.

(Optional $2 entry fee with the pot going to the winner)


Julie said...

Are you guys going to be in the normal tailgate area? Well the one to the southwest of the stadium? This sounds like fun.

Are you going to LA??? We need to get a big crowd there!


Pete said...

yes we will be in that Tailgate lot. The new Normal dirt tailgate lot. I cant make it to LA for the whole anniversary thing, but we will be paying attention to it. I am not sure if Cory and crew is coming. If you all need my grill again you can use it.

CUnger said...

I am going out of town for 10 days over Thanksgiving, so I may not be able to go to LA. It is very tempting though....