Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Supporters Group Sales Event

Ever felt like you’re the only fan standing?

Tired of trying to get others around you excited?
Want to feel the true environment of a soccer/futbol game?
Want to support your team with other fellow “crazies”?

Real Salt Lake
Invites you to be a part of a
2009 Supporters Group
at Rio Tinto Stadium

We are hosting you first look at the ever growing 2009 Fan Clubs on February 21st from 10 am to 2 pm.

The event will be held in the King’s Terrace club on the second floor of the stadium.
Come visit with each group and learn what their philosophies and beliefs are, and what their brew of choice is.
Get a tour of the stadium and select your seats by sitting in them rather than simply looking at a computer screen.
Refreshments will be provided
Anyone to purchase Season tickets at the event will receive 40% off merchandise at the team store that day only.
For more information,
call Brent @ 801-727-2850 or Spencer @ 801-727-2852
email at

Invite everyone you know who might be interested in season tickets. This is our chance to out recruit the other groups and claim to Trophy Drum for the season.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Glory Glory Section XXVI!!!